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How do I count kills? How to make leaderboard?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

How do i count kills? How does one make a leaderboard? How do i create my own emotes(dances)

I still don't get how to use mousebutton1click two twices without error I want to open and close menu when click once and then twice so i need to use mouse click somehow

um, i'm not asking 4 you to do it, i'm asking how you do it because i have no idea I would try to learn on lua but roblox doesn't explain some of these topics

0 is not a request site, please provide your code and your attempts in doing this. maumaumaumaumaumua 628 — 4y
um, i'm not asking 4 you to do it, i'm asking how you do it because i have no idea dakanji123 97 — 4y
This tutorial might help you: Instead of coins, you can count the kills / display them on leaderboard. royaltoe 5144 — 4y
You don't post an attempt and this question isn't about a particular concept so yes, it is a request hiimgoodpack 2009 — 4y

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