local questionlist1 = { question10 = { text = "What is your username"; speed = .1; answer = 1; answertext1 = player.Name; answertext2 = string.lower(player.Name); successtext = "Correct!"; failtext = "Wrong."; successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end; faileventfunction = function() end; }; question11 = { text = "What is your account age"; speed = .1; answer = 2; answertext1 = tostring(player.AccountAge - 1); answertext2 = tostring(player.AccountAge); successtext = "Correct!"; failtext = "Wrong."; successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end; faileventfunction = function() end; }; question12 = { text = "What is the name of this game"; speed = .1; answer = 2; answertext1 = "the test."; answertext2 = "The test."; successtext = "Correct!"; failtext = "Wrong."; successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end; faileventfunction = function() end; }; question13 = { text = "What is the creator of this game"; speed = .1; answer = 1; answertext1 = "karbis"; answertext2 = "Karbis"; successtext = "Correct!"; failtext = "Wrong."; successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end; faileventfunction = function() end; }; question14 = { text = "What is 3^3 + 1592 + 3295?"; speed = .1; answer = 2; answertext1 = "4614"; answertext2 = "4914"; successtext = "Correct!"; failtext = "Wrong."; successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end; faileventfunction = function() end; }; question15 = { text = "What is the square root of 9 + 1912 - 1842"; speed = .1; answer = 2; answertext1 = "63"; answertext2 = "73"; successtext = "Correct!"; failtext = "Wrong."; successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end; faileventfunction = function() end; }; question16 = { text = "What is 44% of 22 x 1392 x 9"; speed = .1; answer = 1; answertext1 = "121271.04"; answertext2 = "91271.04"; successtext = "Correct!"; failtext = "Wrong."; successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end; faileventfunction = function() end; }; question17 = { text = "1281 - 1823 / 1928 /(:) 8"; speed = .1; answer = 2; answertext1 = "903.88180757"; answertext2 = "1280.88180757"; successtext = "Correct!"; failtext = "Wrong."; successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end; faileventfunction = function() end; }; }
thing that im trying to make it randomly pick:
local questionpicked = questionlist[math.random(1,#questionlist)]
You are looping through the table as if it were like this
while really the table you are dealing with is like this
When you are dealing with key=value tables, there is a different way you need to loop it. I usually loop through tables like this with the table.foreach function but there are other ways to do it.
table.foreach(questionlist,function(i,j) print(i,j) end)
So if you wanted to make a system that picked a random question from the list, first you would have to get all of the keys from the original list and put them into their own list.
items = {} table.foreach(questionlist,function(i) table.insert(items,i) end)
After that, you need to get a random element from that table and then receive that item from the original table by doing this:
question = questionlist[items[math.random(1,#items)]]
The final code should look like this:
items = {} table.foreach(questionlist,function(i) table.insert(items,i) end) question = questionlist[items[math.random(1,#items)]] print(question)
You can read more about tables here. If I need to clarify something or if there is an error tell me and I will be happy to help.