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how can i make a system that randomly picks a table out of a table?

Asked by
karbis 50
4 years ago


local questionlist1 = {
    question10 = {
        text = "What is your username";
        speed = .1;
        answer = 1;
        answertext1 = player.Name;
        answertext2 = string.lower(player.Name);
        successtext = "Correct!";
        failtext = "Wrong.";
        successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end;
        faileventfunction = function() end;
    question11 = {
        text = "What is your account age";
        speed = .1;
        answer = 2;
        answertext1 = tostring(player.AccountAge - 1);
        answertext2 = tostring(player.AccountAge);
        successtext = "Correct!";
        failtext = "Wrong.";
        successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end;
        faileventfunction = function() end;
    question12 = {
        text = "What is the name of this game";
        speed = .1;
        answer = 2;
        answertext1 = "the test.";
        answertext2 = "The test.";
        successtext = "Correct!";
        failtext = "Wrong.";
        successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end;
        faileventfunction = function() end;
    question13 = {
        text = "What is the creator of this game";
        speed = .1;
        answer = 1;
        answertext1 = "karbis";
        answertext2 = "Karbis";
        successtext = "Correct!";
        failtext = "Wrong.";
        successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end;
        faileventfunction = function() end;
    question14 = {
        text = "What is 3^3 + 1592 + 3295?";
        speed = .1;
        answer = 2;
        answertext1 = "4614";
        answertext2 = "4914";
        successtext = "Correct!";
        failtext = "Wrong.";
        successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end;
        faileventfunction = function() end; 
    question15 = {
        text = "What is the square root of 9 + 1912 - 1842";
        speed = .1;
        answer = 2;
        answertext1 = "63";
        answertext2 = "73";
        successtext = "Correct!";
        failtext = "Wrong.";
        successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end;
        faileventfunction = function() end; 
    question16 = {
        text = "What is 44% of 22 x 1392 x 9";
        speed = .1;
        answer = 1;
        answertext1 = "121271.04";
        answertext2 = "91271.04";
        successtext = "Correct!";
        failtext = "Wrong.";
        successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end;
        faileventfunction = function() end; 
    question17 = {
        text = "1281 - 1823 / 1928 /(:) 8";
        speed = .1;
        answer = 2;
        answertext1 = "903.88180757";
        answertext2 = "1280.88180757";
        successtext = "Correct!";
        failtext = "Wrong.";
        successeventfunction = function() learnedquestionsansweredright = learnedquestionsansweredright + 1 end;
        faileventfunction = function() end; 

thing that im trying to make it randomly pick:

local questionpicked = questionlist[math.random(1,#questionlist)]
The math.random(1, #tbl) works to get a random element from ARRAY part of a table. programmerHere 371 — 4y

1 answer

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Answered by 4 years ago

You are looping through the table as if it were like this


while really the table you are dealing with is like this


When you are dealing with key=value tables, there is a different way you need to loop it. I usually loop through tables like this with the table.foreach function but there are other ways to do it.


So if you wanted to make a system that picked a random question from the list, first you would have to get all of the keys from the original list and put them into their own list.

items = {}

After that, you need to get a random element from that table and then receive that item from the original table by doing this:

question = questionlist[items[math.random(1,#items)]]

The final code should look like this:

items = {}
question = questionlist[items[math.random(1,#items)]]

You can read more about tables here. If I need to clarify something or if there is an error tell me and I will be happy to help.

thanks but i realised i did a dictionary instead but i will use this when i need to karbis 50 — 4y
-1 for using deprecated table.foreach and encouraging it programmerHere 371 — 4y

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