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How to make a in game scoring system? (Read)

Asked by
Mrt94 7
4 years ago

So I am wanting to make a scoring system. I don't know where to begin. In game there's a slider that will display a number 1 through 10 depending on what you are voting. (In increments of .50, so like 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 all the way to 10.00) Once you select your score you press submit in the screen gui. After 20 seconds it will take all the votes and provide the average score.

How do I successfully do this? Please help!

You already asked this question zomspi 541 — 4y
No i have not, this is a totally different question. The other question is about an output of the slider. This is completely different. Mrt94 7 — 4y
No one's really gonna give you the answer you have to at least attempt this.. jordysboy 53 — 4y

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