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How can i make a camera slight rotation effect for an intro?

Asked by
VitroxVox 884 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

I want to make it so it slightly rotate to left and right while looking at a position it's for an intro and i don't really know much about CFrames nor Angles, and stuff like these well i can't really use em that's my problem it's really hard to learn in my point of view, any help would be greatly appreciated!

I not good in cframe but there is a lerp function which allows you to smoothly move at a selectable pace. Also you need to keep the cframe before and use CFrame.Angles() I think. 123nabilben123 499 — 5y
a'ight i'll try that thank you for the suggestion! VitroxVox 884 — 5y

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