I cant remove a "continue" gui, why can I not?
So I am trying to make it so if the game detects that you haven't completed the tutorial, it wont give you the option to "continue". I have the scripts made so a script it workspace detects a new players join and if they dont have the intvalue of 1 in the "Level" value it activates localscript in StarterGUI which should be deactivating that part of the menu, but it doesn't.
the "Continue" textbutton is located in a screengui named menu
the local script is located in StarterGUI
the script is located in workspace
The script
1 | EV = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ):WaitForChild( "nolevel" ) |
2 | function playerAdded(player) |
4 | if player.leaderstatss.Level.value = = 0 then |
The local script:
1 | EV = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ):WaitForChild( "nolevel" ) |
3 | EV.OnClientEvent:Connect( function () |
4 | if working = = true then return end |
6 | script.Parent.Menu.Continue.Enabled = false |