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Fading in and out GUI when clicking a part?

Asked by
Paradoa 17
5 years ago

Hello, peeps. I am quite new to Roblox Lua and would like to know how to make a fading in and out gui when you're clicking a brick.

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

Ok. So first, insert a part into Workspace. Then insert in that part a script (not a localscript) and a clickdetector. Insert this code in the script:

game.ReplicatedStorage.FadeGui:FireClient(game.Players:WaitForChild("Character.Name")) -- Making a signal

You also have to insert a RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage named "FadeGui". Then, after editing your Gui in StartedGui, insert a localscript in the Gui and insert this code in the localscript:

local debounce = false
local faded = false

    if debounce == false then
        debounce = true
        if faded == false then
            faded = true
            for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do
                script.Parent:WaitForChild(THE GUI OBJECT YOU WANNA FADE).BackgroundTransparency = i
            return -- returning to the begenning of the function to not run the following lines, after setting "faded" to true
            faded = false
            for i = 1, 0, -0.05 do
                script.Parent:WaitForChild(THE GUI OBJECT YOU WANNA FADE).BackgroundTransparency = i
        debounce = false

I made a signal for this (from a script to a localscript) cuz the scripts control SERVER events, and the localscripts just control a PLAYER'S event. So we don't want a script to change Gui objects, cuz else it will change the Gui of every players. We want to control the Gui object of a single player. To do this, I made a signal from a script to a localscript.

Hope this helped!


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