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I want a GUI to change to another image once the event is fired?

Asked by 5 years ago

So I have a character select GUI and it fires a event and changes the character model I also want the GUI image to change. This is what I have so far.

1local event = game.ReplicatedStorage["Choose Goku (S:2)"]
4    script.Parent.Image = "rbxgameasset://Images/Goku Icon"

So I want the image to change after I receive that the event has fired.

I am new too scripting so any help would be great, thank you.

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Answered by 5 years ago

I have two solutions for this.

First one:

At this line you have to write the id of the image, not the name:

1script.Parent.Image = "rbxgameasset://Images/Goku Icon"

I can't really help you with the Id, since there are many with the same name. :/

You would probably also have to reload the frame.

Hope this helped you understand roblox asset Id. :)


You can have another image, and then turn of the visibility of the other and turn on for that image.

1script.Parent.Image1.Visibility = false -- Since it's a bool value.
3script.Parent.Image2.Visibility = true -- Other Image.

Hope one of these helped you. - Toby


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