i've just wondered, is it like a delay type of thing or just something you put? can someone let me know how it works and when I should use it
edit: sorry for not being specific enough ima edit again soon
A debouce is something you add in a script or a local script so that when the function is activated, it will not activate again until it has finished to run. Example:
local debounce = false game.Workspace.Part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if debounce == false then debounce = true --add everything you want (let's call this x) end debounce = false end)
So when a player touches a part, that function will run EVERY mili seconds, but you want that the function finishes before running the function again. So I added an if statement that detects if the debounce = true. If the debounce is true, it will run the lines inside (so x). However, if it's false, it will not run the line inside UNTIL the debounce = false again (line 8). You may ask why I put the debounce = false at line 8. Because if the if statement at line 4 doesn't run, it will stop the function, INCLUDING line 8.
Debounces can also be used in those "while wait() do".
Debounces can also be named with other names, such as "loading" or "waiting"
Hope this helped!