I am trying to call the functions randomly. But I do not know where to start. Any tips on how to begin? I have tried using math.random but no success.
local paper = game.ReplicatedStorage.Spawnables.Paper local folder = game.ReplicatedStorage.Spawnables -- paper spawnings function paperSpawn() local spawnPaper = paper:Clone() spawnPaper.Parent = workspace local xpos = math.random(-100, 100) local ypos = 0.5 local zpos = math.random(-100, 100) spawnPaper.Position = Vector3.new(xpos, ypos, zpos) end function voidSpawn() local spawnPaper = folder.VoidPaper:Clone() spawnPaper.Parent = workspace local xpos = math.random(-100, 100) local ypos = 0.5 local zpos = math.random(-100, 100) spawnPaper.Position = Vector3.new(xpos, ypos, zpos) end function redPaper() local spawnPaper = folder.RedPaper:Clone() spawnPaper.Parent = workspace local xpos = math.random(-100, 100) local ypos = 0.5 local zpos = math.random(-100, 100) spawnPaper.Position = Vector3.new(xpos, ypos, zpos) end function LightPaper() local spawnPaper = folder.LightPaper:Clone() spawnPaper.Parent = workspace local xpos = math.random(-100, 100) local ypos = 0.5 local zpos = math.random(-100, 100) spawnPaper.Position = Vector3.new(xpos, ypos, zpos) end function GoldPaper() local spawnPaper = folder.GoldPaper:Clone() spawnPaper.Parent = workspace local xpos = math.random(-100, 100) local ypos = 0.5 local zpos = math.random(-100, 100) spawnPaper.Position = Vector3.new(xpos, ypos, zpos) end function DiamondPaper() local spawnPaper = folder.DiamondPaper:Clone() spawnPaper.Parent = workspace local xpos = math.random(-100, 100) local ypos = 0.5 local zpos = math.random(-100, 100) spawnPaper.Position = Vector3.new(xpos, ypos, zpos) end function EmeraldPaper() local spawnPaper = folder.EmeraldPaper:Clone() spawnPaper.Parent = workspace local xpos = math.random(-100, 100) local ypos = 0.5 local zpos = math.random(-100, 100) spawnPaper.Position = Vector3.new(xpos, ypos, zpos) end function PurplePaper() local spawnPaper = folder.PurplePaper:Clone() spawnPaper.Parent = workspace local xpos = math.random(-100, 100) local ypos = 0.5 local zpos = math.random(-100, 100) spawnPaper.Position = Vector3.new(xpos, ypos, zpos) end -- randomizer
put all your functions into a table:
myFunctions = {paperSpawn, voidSpawn, redPaper, LightPaper, GoldPaper,DiamondPaper,EmeraldPaper,PurplePaper}
and then use math.random() to get a random functionL
randomFunction = myFunctions[math.random(1, #myFunctions)] --calls random function randomFunction()