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"Scriptable" camera mode issues.

Asked by
TomsGames 225 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

Hi guys!

Right, so I usually use the default "watch" camera mode with camera manipulation, but I think it's time to make my camera more professional and turn it scriptable since players can move the camera about if it's not scriptable, and I don't want that.

This is the current script I use when it is NOT scriptable:

    while rot.Value do
        cam.CameraSubject = targ
        cam.CoordinateFrame = * CFrame.Angles(0, angle, 0) *, 10, -30)
        angle = angle + math.rad(1)

This works absolutely fine when it isn't scriptable, but when I turn it scriptable all hell breaks loose. I don't really understand what's happening, and I can't find any in depth guide anywhere. Please can someone either give me a tutorial or make the script work the same way except for scriptable camera types? Thanks a lot!


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Answered by
samfun123 235 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

I'm not positive this works but, I think your problem is that when the CameraType is being set to Scriptable the direction of the camera is being set to the wiki had this on the CoordinateFrame page " If the camera type is Scriptable, it also sets the direction the camera faces." By that logic you might want to try to set the Focus to the targets head position.


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