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How not to loss pets when player die?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I create a pet that, when the player equip, it will be in the player's character. but it will loss when the player dies, how can I fix this problem ?

can you post your script or scripts please? zomspi 541 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
NSMascot 113
5 years ago

throughout this answer I will refer to the players pet as 'Pet'

1) when the player gets the pet, clone it to game.Lighting using a localscript, you can add this code to an existing localscript, maybe the localscript where the player gets the pet.

game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Pet:Clone().Parent = game.Lighting

add this script to startercharacterscripts its a localscript

game.Lighting.Pet:Clone().Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character

this script will clone the pet from lighting to the players character any questions about the answer just ask below

thank you, i will try it tieuvuong07 -8 — 5y
how can i get pet when players equip 2 pets or 3 pets... ? it only works with 1 pets. maybe i can use loop for tieuvuong07 -8 — 5y
maybe use a loop NSMascot 113 — 5y

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