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Custom bubblechat color for staff users?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Pretty much as the titles explains i'm looking for a way to change the background color of bubblechat's to a dynamic coloration system i've tried having it change the color once the chat is sent the localscript then uses

local staff = { 23215815, 10556 }

function check_staff(player) for i = 1, #staff do if staff[i] == player.userId then return true end end return false end

if check_staff(billboardGui.Adornee.Parent.Name) then --run color code here to change the bubble and chat color end

and the chat color will update live with this function but the color of the bubble never updates as the bubble is only ever created once i guess, i've looked everywhere for a possible fix to this and to no avail. How does one do this? i know CloudAtlas did this in Group Recruiting Plaza 4.5 where everyone's chat is their teamcolor and the backing is Color3.fromRGB(60,60,60) but when a staff member chats the bubble is Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) if any help on this i would highly appreciate it.

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