I tried editing this disaster script to make the disaster end when everyone dies, but it doesn't work. Help?
disasters = {"ogm"} -- This is where you list the names models that you want to use for disasters. -- Disaster names are case-sensitive and all disaster models must be in the lighting countdownTime = 125 -- The ammount of time to wait between each disaster. disasterTime = 40 -- The ammount of time that the disaster will be in the game before it is removed. countdownMessage = "The next disaster will occur in %s seconds." -- The message displayed between disasters. %s will be replaced with the number of seconds left. disasterMessage = "The Disaster Is: %s" -- The message displayed when a disaster occurs. %s will be replaced with the disaster name. Set to nil if you do not want a message -- Unless you know what you are doing, please leave the below code alone. items = {} leaderboard = game.Workspace:findFirstChild("BTS Leaderboard") -- Used to work with my BTS leaderboard local w = game.Workspace:getChildren() for i=1,#w do if w[i].Name == "leaderboard" and w[i]:findFirstChild("running") ~= nil and w[i]:findFirstChild("points") ~= ni then leaderboard = w[i] end end for i=1,#disasters do local item = game.Lighting:findFirstChild(disasters[i]) if item ~= nil then item.Parent = nil table.insert(items, item) else print("Error! ", disasters[i], " was not found!") end end function chooseDisaster() return items[math.random(#items)] end function sethint(text) local hint = game.Workspace:findFirstChild("hint") if (hint ~= nil) then hint.Text = text else print("Hint does not exist, creating...") h = Instance.new("Hint") h.Name = "hint" h.Text = text h.Parent = game.Workspace end --print("Hint set to: ", text) end function removeHint() hint = game.Workspace:findFirstChild("hint") if (hint ~= nil) then hint:remove() end end function countdown(time) sethint(string.format(countdownMessage, tostring(time))) while (time > 0) do wait(1) time = time - 1 sethint(string.format(countdownMessage, tostring(time))) end removeHint() return true end while true do countdown(countdownTime) if leaderboard ~= nil and leaderboard:findFirstChild("running") and leaderboard:findFirstChild("points") then -- For use with my BTS leaderboard. leaderboard.points.Value = 30 leaderboard.running.Value = true end local m = chooseDisaster():clone() if disasterMessage ~= nil then local msg = Instance.new("Message") msg.Name = "DisasterMsg" msg.Text = string.format(disasterMessage, m.Name) msg.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) msg.Parent = nil end m.Parent = game.Workspace m:makeJoints() wait(disasterTime) m:remove() else for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do -- everything in players if v.Character ~= nil then -- if the person exists v.Character:BreakJoints -- kills end end -- ends function if leaderboard ~= nil then -- For use with the bts leaderboard. leaderboard.running.Value = false end end
Use a table to store who's dead. Which is updated after a Died
event is fired. Like so:
deadPlayers = {} function checkDeadPlayers() if(#deadPlayers == game.Players.NumPlayers) then -- Stop disaster deadPlayers = {} end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character) character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() if(player not in deadPlayers) then table.insert(deadPlayers, player) checkDeadPlayers() end end) end) end)