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Why define table from module returns nil?

Asked by 4 years ago

Hello, im just making a game with alot of IDs for different stuff in shop so i used module script to put all the data from the shop there. Actually i gonna send only one thing from the script because if i send the whole script it will be a spam and also its pointless because everything else is same as this just different values on it. So this is my module script

local info = {}
Chars = {
    ["Robot1"] = {
        Name = "Robot",
        Price = 0,
        Health = 100,
        Head = 0,
        Torso = 54116290,
        RightArm = 54116338,
        RightLeg = 54116432,
        LeftArm = 54116373,
        LeftLeg = 54116394,

return info

Im trying to use some of the values there into my actual codes but the output says that table "Chars" is a nil value. I tried a few different ways to do it but it still does not work do you know why? Here is what i tried. I will put just a simple prints and the errors

local info = require(game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Modules").Info)
print(info:GetChars()[1][1]) -- attempt to call method "GetChars"(a nil value)
print(info.Chars[1][1]) -- attempt to index field "Chars" (a nil value)
print(info.Chars["Robot1"]["Name"]) -- attempt to index field "Chars" (a nil value)

Anyone know why?

You did not assign anything to info, so basically it is an empty table, so of course it will return nil nc2r 117 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

It's pretty simple.

Look at line 1 for me.

local info = {}

info points to an empty table.

You meant for Chars to be a field in info.

This works:

local info = {
    Chars = {
        Robot1 = {
            Name = "Robot",
            Price = 0,
            Health = 100,
            Head = 0,
            Torso = 54116290,
            RightArm = 54116338,
            RightLeg = 54116432,
            LeftArm = 54116373,
            LeftLeg = 54116394
return info
I have no idea why it is indenting so bad programmerHere 371 — 4y
Thanks sir, I didnt notice that but its actually still nil. here is the new code: theswagboy0813 -14 — 4y
Communicate with me in codeshare. It shouldn't be nil. You probably wrote it wrong or you added something/removed something that messed it up programmerHere 371 — 4y

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