Hi, I am making a game with a daily reward system. It is constantly saying: DataStore request was added to queue. If request queue fills, further requests will be dropped. Try sending fewer requests.Key = 792800740
I had two scripts that says GetDataStore, so I tried to make 1 script, with 1 GetDataStore, but it didn't worked...
Please help, someone :(
here is the code:
local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PointLeaderStatsSaverKnobbyObby") game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local folder = Instance.new("Folder", plr) folder.Name = "leaderstats" local currency = Instance.new("IntValue", folder) currency.Name = "Points" currency.Value = DataStore:GetAsync(plr.UserId) or 0 currency.Changed:Connect(function() DataStore:SetAsync(plr.UserId, currency.Value) end) end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) DataStore:SetAsync(plr.UserId, plr.leaderstats.Points.Value) end) local hourWait = 24 local possibleRewards = {10,15,10,10,10,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,10,10,10,15,15,500} game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) local leaderstats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") local timeNow = os.time() local data pcall(function() data = DataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-dailyRewards") print("Getting Data") end) if data ~= nil then -- Returning player to the game local timeSinceLastClaim = timeNow - data -- Number in sec since the last reward was claimed print("Time since last claim "..timeSinceLastClaim) if (timeSinceLastClaim / 3600) >= hourWait then -- They are eligible for a reward local reward = possibleRewards[math.random(1,#possibleRewards)] game.ReplicatedStorage.ShowDailyReward:FireClient(player,hourWait,reward) local connection connection = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClaimReward.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(triggeringPlayer) if triggeringPlayer == player then print("Reward Claimed") player.leaderstats.Points.Value = player.leaderstats.Points.Value + reward DataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-dailyReward",os.time()) connection:Disconnect() end end) else print("Player is uneligible right now") end else -- New player print("New Player") local reward = possibleRewards[math.random(1,#possibleRewards)] game.ReplicatedStorage.ShowDailyReward:FireClient(player,hourWait,reward) local connection connection = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClaimReward.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(triggeringPlayer) if triggeringPlayer == player then print("Reward Claimed") player.leaderstats.Points.Value = player.leaderstats.Points.Value + reward DataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-dailyReward",os.time()) connection:Disconnect() end end) end end)
Ps: If my English is bad, I am from another country.
You may be constantly looping through and referencing datastore, this causes an insane amount of requests which causes this error.