token and api key are correct script:
-- Sample Ban Script print(1) local API = require(game.Workspace.TrelloAPI:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI")) print(2) local BoardID = API:GetBoardID("Cafe global admin") print(3) local ListID = API:GetListID("Global ban") print(4) local Banned = API:GetCardsInList(ListID) -- line 10 print(5) function checkBanned(name) local isBanned = false print(8) for i,v in pairs(Banned) do if == name then isBanned = true end end return isBanned end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) if checkBanned(player.Name) == true then player:Kick("Banned from the game") end end)
trelloapi(line 230):
function HS:JSONDecode(tab) local rhs=game:GetService("HttpService"); return rhs:JSONDecode(tab) -- line 230 end
trelloapi(line 330):
function T:GetCardsInList(lid) local url if Private then getAddon() url=""..tostring(lid).."/cards"..addon else getAddon() url=""..tostring(lid).."/cards"..addon end local re=HS:GetAsync(url,true) local dat=HS:JSONDecode(re) -- line 330 return dat end