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Why does this show nil when I use string.match?

Asked by
tjtorin 172
4 years ago

I am trying to get the letters/numbers at the end of a string after a ':' (ex: test:56, I would want 56). I tried using string match but it just shows as nil.

local RepStore = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local vote = RepStore:WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Vote")
local votes = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Votes")

vote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(_p, v, pv, pvn, n)
    assert(type(v) == "number", "v must be a number")
    assert(type(pv) == "number", "pv must be a number")

    if pv == 0 then
        votes[v].Value = n.."_1" 
        print(string.match(votes[pv].Value, ":(.*)")) -- Output: nil
        votes[pv].Value = pvn.."_"..string.match(votes[pv].Value, ":(.*)") - 1
        votes[v].Value = n.."_"..string.match(votes[v].Value, ":(.*)") + 1 

We need context on what you're actually trying to do Robowon1 323 — 4y
you're attempting string.match on a Number Value, right? I don't think that's how it works. i think this would be the proper way to use string.match: local string = "bob" if string.match(string,"ob",1) then print("found ob in bob") end ryan32t 306 — 4y

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