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Why does it say it's not a valid member of the Part?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

So I made a script that Clones the "Part" from the ReplicatedStorage and adds it to the player character and there's a localscript inside the part which doesn't seem to recognise the Vector3Value instance as a member aswell.

Here's the localscript:

local head = script.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("LowerTorso")
local pet = script.Parent
local vector = pet.PetPosition

while true do

 local p = head.CFrame * vector.Value
 pet.BodyGyro.CFrame = head.CFrame
 pet.BodyPosition.Position = (p.x, p.y, p.z)

And here's a photo of the Explorer:

Also by the way, the script does set the disabled value of the localscript as false.

The output error is: PetPosition is not a valid member of Part

if you are stuck with a pet system, use mine (but try and do it yourself though): NSMascot 113 — 4y

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago

On line three, try changing it to this

local vector = pet:WaitForChild("PetPosition")

It could be that it's loading after you try to declare the variable. (I'm not sure if it is the real problem because it's a cloned part but what the hey, may as well try.)

Nope, it's stuck in an infinite wait for the "PetPosition". It seems it doesn't recognise it.. ady1111 8 — 4y
That means that PetPosition just isn't there. Not sure why, but it isn't. CeramicTile 847 — 4y
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Answered by
Neu_Dev 22
4 years ago
local vector = pet.PetPosition -- this should be changed to:
local vector = pet.Position
or local vector = PetPosition.Position if he is reffering to petposition as a part Robowon1 323 — 4y
I don't need the position. It just doesn't recognise "PetPosition" as a child of Part. ady1111 8 — 4y

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