I'm trying to make a live NPC turn into a player's character. The NPC has a script inside that animates it and moves it. I want the NPC to still move around, but change it's appearance every now and then. How would I go about doing this?
wait(10) for i,v in pairs(workspace.NPC:GetChildren()) do v:Destroy() end workspace.uhSaxlra:Clone().Parent = workspace.NPC --Basic thing I probably won't use later
This script clones my character but the npc won't run anymore and falls apart.
I don't know if there's an easier way to do it but.. my way is to get the player's accessories then insert them into a table and put them in the NPC. Get the NPC to be the same color as the player. Get the player's clothes and face.
I'm assuming you know how to get the clothes, skin color, etc But I don't know if you can do the accessories... Here
local acccessory = {} local accessory1 = game.Player.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):GetAccessories() for i, v in pairs(accessory1) do table.insert(acccessory, v:clone()) end for i, v in pairs(acccessory) do dummy.Humanoid:AddAccessory(v) end
I'm sorry if this isn't the easiest way but I only found this solution ¯_(?)_/¯