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Is there a means to manipulate the humanoidrootpart for the sake of certain functionality?

Asked by 4 years ago

So this latest problem comes with a crawling script. Animating and keybind is all working. But... The issue is that while you LOOK like you're crawling, functionally, you're still about the same because the root part prevents you from actually crawling under things. While yes, I can just change the canCollide of the root part, but if the section you're crawling in has, say, a kill block on top of it, it'll kill the player unless that block specifically filters out the root part which just seems like a tedious work around.

Most similar scripts are fairly dated or are just for animational purposes so is there actually a way to perhaps lower the height at which the root part sits so it's low to the ground and can crawl through short gaps? I've tried manipulating the CFrame but it just pops back into place and position ended with... My character floating about 30 feet in the air.

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Answered by 4 years ago

The only thing I know of that can change the HumanoidRootPart's position in the way you might want is with Humanoid.HipHeight.

But I'm not too sure if that's the certain functionality you want..

Hm... Never heard of it. I'll dabble with it and see. XxTrueDemonxX 362 — 4y
Absolutely perfect. I never really would've thought the answer I was looking for would be stored in the humanoid. I'll definitely have to brush up my knowledge on humanoids in case there's more useful pieces I'm missing. Thank you. XxTrueDemonxX 362 — 4y
Awesome! I'm glad I could help! CeramicTile 847 — 4y

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