Whenever I try to play an animation in my game, it just gives me a string of errors in the output, but doesn't play the animation.
12:16:37.987 - httpGet http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=144462739&serverplaceid=0&clientinsert=0 failed. Trying again. Error: Asset is not trusted for this place. Elapsed time: 0.119996
12:16:37.987 - httpGet failed. Trying again. Elapsed time: 0.119996
12:16:38.101 - Content failed for http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id=144462739&serverplaceid=0&clientinsert=0 because Asset is not trusted for this place
12:16:38.102 - Content failed because Asset is not trusted for this place
I'm not sure what that means, although I guess it might have to do with that I didn't make these animations myself.
I have to use an animation created by myself. Tried and works.