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Measure Damage Taken At A Time?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited by M39a9am3R 5 years ago

I'm making a combat-type game I want to play a certain animation when a player is hit for a certain amount, yet I can't find a way to measure the damage a humanoid takes at a time.

01local humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid
02local fatal_hit ="Animation")
03fatal_hit.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://xxxxxxxx'
04fatalTrack = script.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(fatal_hit)
08    local DMG = health - humanoid.MaxHealth
09    if DMG >= 70

This obviously won't work, as DMG is just the difference between the health and maxHealth, and will play whenever the health is below 30. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And for some reason, my typing is interpreted as a code block? Not sure how to fix it...

Edited for formatting. Removing codeblocks where there shouldn't. Caused by tab'ing or four spaces which gets parsed by markdown interpreter as codeblock. M39a9am3R 3210 — 5y
The damage taken would be the previous amount of health the humanoid had minus the amount of health they currently have. If both numbers are 0 (if the Humanoid is dead), the damage taken is 0. DeceptiveCaster 3761 — 5y

2 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

So basically to solve this problem we are going to make a variable called "damageTook" My theory is that everytime the event HealthChanged executes it will add the parameter "health" and "damageTook" together.

Next were gonna say "if damageTook greater than 70 then" Don't need to make too much changes :)

"damageTook" should be a global variable instead of local, since when the player dies he can have his "damageTook" resetted to 0.

Here is your script hopefully fixed:

01local humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid
02local fatal_hit ="Animation")
03fatal_hit.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://xxxxxxxx'
04fatalTrack = script.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(fatal_hit)
06local damageTook = 0
09    damageTook = damageTook + health
11    if damageTook <= 70 then
12        -- // play animation
13    end

You can ask me clarification anytime :)

Health is the amount of HP a humanoid has after the HealthChange, so say the humanoid takes 5 damage, damageTook value would be 95 JelliedBanana 0 — 5y
damageTook should be damageTaken if you want to follow proper English grammar rules, and your formula is also incorrect DeceptiveCaster 3761 — 5y
Whoops, didn't see that there, thanks for pointing that out. 123nabilben123 499 — 5y
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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

The formula for doing this is:

1local damageTaken = originalHealth - newHealth

You would set a health variable before the function, such as:

1local health = humanoid.Health

Here is an example of a function that prints said health:

1local hum = script.Parent.Humanoid
2local health = hum.Health -- Most important variable
4    local damageTaken = health - newHealth
5    print(damageTaken)
6    health = newHealth -- This line doesn't actually set the health, and this is done on purpose so the Humanoid's health doesn't change, but the value of the variable does

If you actually added 0 to the new amount of health (as the other answer mentioned), that is not the damage taken. That is the new amount of health. Therefore, you subtract the new health from the original health (if the original health was 100 and the new health is 80, the damage taken is 20).

As a precaution, this function could also be added to reset the value of the variable:

2    health = hum.MaxHealth

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