Hello there, in my game I have a Camera script at the beginning thats supposed to be the area where there is the "Load" ,"Updates" & "New " Buttons. What happens is sometimes the camera script works like it should. And other times it just dose not work and the camera goes to the player. The output is clear and the script seams fine. Heres the script (The script is local and is in a GUI)
------------VARS------------ local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer ------------SCRIPT------------ repeat wait() until Player.Character -- Waits till Player chracter is loaded Camera.CameraType = "Scriptable" --- Makes Camera scriptable Camera.CFrame = game.Workspace.campart.CFrame -- Cameras CFrame is = to the part in workspace (campart) wait(5) script.Parent.Enabled = true -- Enabling parent (which is GUI)
If you know why or could suggest and help me that would be wonderful!