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Need some help with a camping game lobby. I cannot teleport players while seated?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Hello, I got a small problem I cannot teleport players while there seated in the truck for my story game or aka camping game I would like some help from anyone who knows how to teleport someone who is seated. this is all I ask for, have a good day and try to help out!

There are no scripts for anything but the truck moving and teleporting into the truck.

Edit: I forgot to tell you there are 2 trucks so don't answer me with something that works for one truck.

You have to destroy the seat weld and then move them, both from server code. EmilyBendsSpace 1025 — 5y
@EmilyBendsSpace can you give more context on how to do this? RecycleBicycle 60 — 5y
@RecycleBicycle You would probably have a function telling how many people are seated. If players seated is the appropriate number for your game then call a function that removes all the seats and teleports them to the "camping game". You can make a function that clones the truck everytime it is used. Or just like @EmilyBendsSpace said you can remove the welds. All this is done in server code. 123nabilben123 499 — 5y
yeah but im looking to do it when the truck is out of bounds @123nabilben123 RecycleBicycle 60 — 5y

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