I am trying to create a inventory system and so far i have it set up in a table with different frames and values objects. What im doing is trying to test it by having a clickconnect and fireclient on a log that is on the ground. What it should do is once a person clicks on it, then first available imagelebel on the inventory should take the id from the log and put it into the table. Everything seems to run but the imagelabel doesn't change neither does the textlabel which should show the amount.
local slots = game.StarterGui.backpackgui.mainframe.Frameright local inventory = {slots.slot1, slots.slot2, slots.slot3, slots.slot4, slots.slot5, slots.slot6, slots.slot7, slots.slot8} local cleanslot = game.StarterGui.backpackgui.mainframe.Frameright.slot9 remote.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(item) print(" click succes") for i, v in pairs(inventory) do if v.item.Value == item.Name then v.TextLabel.Text = v.TextLabel.Text + item.amnt.Value v.amnt.Value = v.amnt.Value + item.amnt.Value print("Found") else if v.item.Value == cleanslot.item.Value then do print("image empty") v.amnt.Value = item.amnt.Value v.maxamount.Value = item.maxamount.Value v.ImageLabel.Image = item.image.Value v.TextLabel.Text = v.amnt.Value break end end end end end)