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How To Check If A Player Is A NPC?

Asked by 4 years ago

In My Game That I'm Working On I Have A Teleporter To A Pirate Ship That Has A Bunch Of Wandering NPC's.My Problem Is That The Go Through The Teleporter Into The Lobby And Annoy The People In The Lobby. Can Someone Help Me Make A Filtering System. (Also I Didn't Make The Teleport Part Of The Script)

local Teleport = "Lentilkac58-Easy-Teleport-2" --Put the name of the Part between the ""s.
function Touch(hit) --Indicates that the Part has been Touched.
    if script.Parent.Locked == false and script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(Teleport).Locked == false then script.Parent.Locked = true script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(Teleport).Locked = true --Checks Debounce.
    local Pos = script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(Teleport) --Gets the Part to teleport to.
        hit.Parent:moveTo(Pos.Position) wait(1) script.Parent.Locked = false script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(Teleport).Locked = false end end --Takes you there and Ends the Function.
script.Parent.Touched:connect(Touch) --Listens out for Touchers.

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Answered by
DogeIXX 172
4 years ago

As I can understand is that you don't want NPCs to go through the teleporter. That is easy to handle, just add this code:

for i, plr in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
if hit.Parent.Name == plr.Name then
--Continue here
print("Not a player!")

I wrote this on mobile and did not test this, so it may have errors. If it does, feel free to tell me what the error is.

An easier way to do this is ```if not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) then print('not a player!') end ``` Shawnyg 4330 — 4y
^ DeceptiveCaster 3761 — 4y
That's going to give lots of false positives. Any time a part that is inside a character accessory is the 'hit' part, it's going to print("not a player!"). This is also a very expensive check to do on Touched, it loops over all the players. The fast way is to put NPCs into a table as keys when you create them, so you have an O(1) map of what is an NPC. EmilyBendsSpace 1025 — 4y
Didnt Work ricelicker 52 — 4y

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