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How do I make a GUI activate after a sound gets triggered ?

Asked by 5 years ago

I tried a script to make a gui appears after it commits die, but it didn't work. So i need to know how can i make a gui appear after a sound plays when it's parent gets deleted.

1 answer

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Answered by
acuaro 29
5 years ago

You didn't give me enough info so i'll just use place holders. The Answer is quite simple first get the route to the sound (Example : local sound = script.Parent.Parent.Sound)

local sound = script.Parent.Parent.Sound

Next is the GUI part

if sound.Playing == true then
    script.Parent.GUI NAME HERE. Enabled = true

And this is the full script

local sound = script.Parent.Parent.Sound


if sound.Playing == true then
    script.Parent.GUI NAME HERE. Enabled = true

If you provide me with the information I need I can help you further. If you understand this script you're welcome.


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