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How to clone a tool and place random pos in the workspace?

Asked by
c0nc3rt 61
4 years ago

Well, my problem is really anoying, just take a look at my script first:

local val = game.ReplicatedStorage.Value
local sword = game.ServerStorage.ClassicSword

while true do
sword:Clone() --clone the sword

sword.Parent = workspace --set parent
local swordinwsp = workspace:WaitForChild("ClassicSword")

swordinwsp.Handle.Position =,171), 30, math.random(-84,181)) --random the position of the cloned sword

val.Value = val.Value + 1 --don't care about this line
wait(5) --delay


That script will make the sword clone and parent it in the workspace but it only clone one and make it teleport it everywhere

Well, after searching internet for a while i made a new one, but worse

local val = game.ReplicatedStorage.Value
local sword = game.ServerStorage.ClassicSword

while true do
sword:Clone().Parent = workspace --just quickly clone at set the parent

local swordinwsp = workspace:WaitForChild("ClassicSword")

swordinwsp.Handle.Position =,171), 30, math.random(-84,181))

val.Value = val.Value + 1 --don't care about this line


And it just clone a sword and move it randomly and more cloned sword is coming from the middle of the workspace (not move to a random location)

I think there must be a way to fix it but I haven't figured out.

Really appreciate with your answer!

1 answer

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Answered by
0msh 333 Moderation Voter
4 years ago

I don't know if you're looking for something like this, but yeah.

local ser = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local w = ser:WaitForChild("Tool")
local tool = ser:FindFirstChild("Tool")

while true do
    local clone = tool:Clone()
    clone.Parent = workspace
    local x = math.random(-100,100)
    local z = math.random(-100,100)
    clone.Handle.CFrame =,40,z))
sorry not work bro, but thanks for your help. c0nc3rt 61 — 4y
how does it not work? you'll have to modify some lines yourself, such as line 1 and 3 because I'm targeting the Replicated Storage and you're targeting the Server Storage 0msh 333 — 4y
I modfied it, but still not work lol. It didn't clone anythinng from the server sotrage c0nc3rt 61 — 4y
from the server storage then you'll have to use remotes, just make that a local script and fire a remote in replicated storage then finish it off with a script in server script service 0msh 333 — 4y

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