I have a procedural generation code that works perfectly. The only problem is that it only works in generating once in one spot. I would like to make it load like how Minecraft loads chunks(Dont worry im not copying the game just tryna get some experience) where the chunks change there "terrain" based on their position. What im trying to say is im not sure what part of the code to change to simulate the chunk being in a different position to where itll be different. Basically trying to break up a map into 16x16 chunks so that i dont have to render the map all at once(since its super slow to do that). The blocks are 4x4x4 cubes. Here is the module script:
local GenTerrain = {} function GenTerrain.Gen(Freq,Power) local Seed = math.random(1, 10e6) local MapLimit = 1000 local Size = 16 local RenderDistance = 3 local function RoundY(YVal) local NewVal = math.floor(YVal) local Diff = NewVal % 4 return NewVal - Diff end for T = 1,RenderDistance do for T2 = 1,RenderDistance do wait() for X = 1,Size do for Z = 1,Size do local Y1 = math.noise( (X*Freq)/MapLimit, (Z*Freq)/MapLimit, Seed ) local Y2 = math.noise( (X*Freq*.125)/MapLimit, (Z*Freq*.125)/MapLimit, Seed ) local Y3 = math.noise( (X*Freq*4)/MapLimit, (Z*Freq*4)/MapLimit, Seed ) local HeightVal = (Y1*Y2*Power*Power)+Y3 local Block = Instance.new("Part") Block.Size = Vector3.new(4,4,4) Block.Parent = workspace.Blocks Block.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Earth green") Block.Anchored = true Block.CFrame = CFrame.new(X*4+((T-1)*16*4),RoundY(HeightVal),Z*4+((T2-1)*16*4)) local NumTimes = (Block.Position.Y + 10) / 4 for i = 1,NumTimes do local Block2 = Instance.new("Part") Block2.Parent = workspace.UnderGroundBlocks Block2.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Dirt brown") Block2.Size = Vector3.new(4,4,4) Block2.CFrame = CFrame.new(Block.Position.X,Block.Position.Y - i*4,Block.Position.Z) Block2.Anchored = true end end end end end end return GenTerrain
Your fundamental problem is that your X and Z loop variables are local coordinates within the chunk, and you're feeding these directly into math.noise without taking into account the chunk location in world space. So every chunk is exactly the same. Your arguments to math.noise need to vary with chunk location, which in your existing code would mean using the block offsets Size*T
and Size*T2
For example, try replacing lines 15-33 in your code example with this snippet to get and idea of what I mean:
for T = 1,RenderDistance do for T2 = 1,RenderDistance do wait() for X = 1,Size do local CX = X + Size * T for Z = 1,Size do local CZ = Z + Size * T2 local Y1 = math.noise( (CX*Freq)/MapLimit, (CZ*Freq)/MapLimit, Seed ) local Y2 = math.noise( (CX*Freq*.125)/MapLimit, (CZ*Freq*.125)/MapLimit, Seed ) local Y3 = math.noise( (CX*Freq*4)/MapLimit, (CZ*Freq*4)/MapLimit, Seed )