I am trying to do something with a textbox gui that may not even be possible.
So bassically i am trying to make a real time text saver that will save any amount of text entered into a textbox.
local savedText --Variable that will save text
script.Parent.Focused:Connect(function() --function that will detect player using textbox script.Parent.Text = savedText print("focused") while true do wait(0.1) --real time process that will save any entered text
script.Parent.Text = savedText
end end)script.Parent.FocusLost:Connect(function() print("focus lost") script.Parent.Text = savedText --save the text when player is done using textbox end)
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
I believe you're trying to achieve a result for when you click on a TextBox
the content isn't removed. This is something that can be possible without the aid of a Script, simply uncheck the property ClearTextOnFocus