Hi all. Hope you're doing well.
I have a small enquiry about the Require(1234) command in LUA (with modulescripts).
So, the script gets the module script from its AssetID, then performs the task I want it to. It's all well and good. However, when I sign in to an ALT account, and run the exact same script, it shows up with this in the dev console:
"Unable to find module for asset id Stack Begin Script 'Players.MyPlayerNameHERE.PlayerGui.GUI.Script', Line 2 Stack End"
The line that it specifies says:
local module = require(4055824173)
Is there any way to make it available to everyone without making people able to get the script that is under that ID?
Many thanks.
If it's impossible, can you please post it. Thanks.
Just noticed that is impossible.
Thanks anyway guys!