messages are deprecated. use a gui now.
first off design a server message gui and once done designing it put it in replicatedstorage.
and make sure your gui has a textlabel called Message (with caps because scripting is capital sensitive) because that's gonna be the join message. now insert a script in serverscriptservice. after, make a playeradded event so your code will be something like this:
1 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect( function () |
now, you need to copy the gui then put it in playergui inside of all of the players and change the message. you will need to concat in order to have the player's user in the message. your code should be something like this now:
1 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect( function (plr) |
2 | local PlayerMessage = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ):FindFirstChild( "put the name of the gui here" ) |
3 | PlayerMessage.Parent = im sure your smart enough to figure this part out |
4 | PlayerMessage.Message.Text = plr.Name.. " has joined!" |