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How to stop a child in frame to rotate when the parent frame rotates?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I want my child frame to not rotate when the parent frame rotates. Right now I keep having to change the rotation of the child frame every time I rotate the parent frame and this ruins the layout of the UI, is there any other alternative?

example code for explanations:

local parentframe = game.Workspace.parentframe
local childframe = parentframe.childframe

parentframe.Rotation = 90 -- Rotating the frame
childframe.Rotation = -90 -- To reverse the rotation on the child. Don't want to have to do this because it causes issues with layouts. 
No, there is no alternative. Counter-rotation is the only way to do this. EmilyBendsSpace 1025 — 5y
I have an alternative: Place the child into the Parent frame's parent, fix the location and other properties you might have so they are relative to the parent frame's parent, and then you can rotate each separately SteamG00B 1633 — 5y
Also, quick question, but what is a frame doing under workspace? SteamG00B 1633 — 5y

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