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How Do I make a Shop GUI? Nothing works! I tried tutorials but the scripts don't work.

Asked by 5 years ago

I was looking on a lot of tutorials but none of them work! Please help me make it FE Compatible. Thank you

Let's see what you have so far. royaltoe 5144 — 5y
Scripting helpers is not a request site, you ask for help, not entire codes, do it yourself and if it has errors you can ask about the error and how to fix it, but not ask the entire code, use remote events for FE stuff maumaumaumaumaumua 628 — 5y
I have a bad video on it... xd ;-;................... That I recorded like 2 years ago....... JUST PUT THE VOLUME AT LOW cuz theres insane ear rape... greatneil80 2647 — 5y
As a shop GUI, do you mean a gamepass GUI or a shop GUI using in-game currency? Mexual 2 — 5y
In game currency ImSky_RBLX 2 — 5y

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