ServerStorage is not a valid member of Player? [closed]
LocalScript = "WaterWheel"
LocalScript2 = "Whirlpool"
Toolname = "LocalScript"
Toolname2 = "LocalScript2"
function boop(Player)
if not Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(LocalScript)and(LocalScript2) then
local Tool = game.ServerStorage[LocalScript]:clone()
Tool.Parent = Player.Backpack
local Tool = game.ServerStorage[LocalScript2]:clone()
Tool.Parent = Player.Backpack
if not Player.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(Toolname) and (Toolname2) then
local Tool = game.Backpack[Toolname]:clone()
Tool.Parent = Player.ServerStorage
local Tool = game.Backpack[Toolname2]:clone()
Tool.Parent = Player.ServerStorage
Marked as Duplicate by BlueTaslem
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