Datastore is the ability to save data for when you rejoin, leaving a game and rejoining... where did you read about datastore 1 and 2, theres a single datastore with infinite string storages...
Use it if you want to save a players data, heres an example
01 | local ds = game:GetService( "DataStoreService" ):GetDataStore( "Datastore_1" ) |
03 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect( function (p) |
05 | local PersonsData = ds:GetAsync(p.UserId) |
06 | local CurrentNewData = PersonsData [ 1 ] |
09 | game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect( function (p) |
11 | local PersonsData = ds:SetAsync(p.UserId,CurrentData) |
16 | CurrentData = CurrentData + 1 |
The Datastore_1 is what I believe you think is datastore_1, a string value where everything is basically stored in...
Use the players user id to save stuff...
API services must be on...
Basically just saving a value
To save multiple values use a table not multiple of the "GetDataStore"....