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How do you Move/Drag models locally?

Asked by
yoyyo75 74
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I have a model on the workspace that has multiple parts and I want to drag that model through the client side (so local script) but on the server side I don't want the other players to see where I am dragging it until I release it.

My attempt on solving this was having a local script in starter pack that can move the model with :MoveTo() so the player can drag it locally and when the player releases the model it fires a remote function that also uses :MoveTo()

The problem with this is that it is very buggy; when I drag the model it has a ping pong effect where i may drag it but it goes back to the former position time to time until I release and I don't know what causes this issue.

Please help, I expected it to be working with this concept and this "feature" is messing it up.


Code snippet from the local script:

-- mouse_target is the model that is selected
-- temp_target/real_target is where they want the model to move to
function moveTarget()
    mouse.TargetFilter = mouse_target
    temp_target = mouse.Target
    if (is_down == true and mouse_target ~= nil) then
        if (temp_target ~= nil) then
            real_target = temp_target
        temp_target = nil


-- model_module basically returns the Remote Function
function releaseTarget()
    if(real_target ~= nil and mouse_target ~= nil and is_down) then
        model_module.PlaceFunction(mouse_target, real_target)
    is_down = false
    mouse_target = nil
    mouse.TargetFilter = nil

Code snippet from Remote Function

local function PlaceFunction(player, model, target)
Is my assumption correct that the server is always telling the client of the model's original position so there is always a conflict when the client moves the model? yoyyo75 74 — 5y

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Answered by
yoyyo75 74
5 years ago

Turns out what causes the ping pong effect is that if you move a model with a localscript and the parts are unanchored it conflicts with the server because the server will always tell you the vectors of the parts because the server handles the physics. So if the part is anchored the server wouldn't update you vectors w/c solves the bug and my problem

tldr; when moving a model with a localscript, the parts should be anchored :)


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