local screen = Instance.new("ScreenGui",game:GetService("CoreGui")) screen.Archivable = false local vpf = Instance.new("ViewportFrame",screen) vpf.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) vpf.Visible = false vpf.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local screenCam = Instance.new("Camera",vpf) local zDist = 100 screenCam.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,0,-zDist) vpf.CurrentCamera = screenCam local copyPart = Instance.new("Part") copyPart.Anchored = true copyPart.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() local squareTable = {} for i = 1,4 do squareTable[i] = copyPart:Clone() squareTable[i].Parent = vpf print(squareTable[i].Parent.Name) end
I have this code here where I instantiate 4 parts and parent them to the vpf in a plugin script I am working on. The issue is that the viewport frame looks like it refuses to allow any parts to parent on it. Any work around on this?