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What would I use for drawing detection methods?

Asked by
T1mes 230 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

Hello, does anyone know any drawing detection methods?

little explanation: In my game, I'm going to have players draw something (i.e. a star) with parts and I want to detect if it's close enough to the real thing/model.

Any ideas on where to start?

the only idea I've thought of is region3 detection but I'm thinking it'll be too inaccurate.

Any thoughts help. Thanks :)

The problem is that people draw many things differently. For example, some people draw stars with lines inside, some don't. If you ask for a boat, you could anything for a sailboat to a raft, with varying attention to detail. MakeYourEscape 334 — 5y
Ill give them a reference image to replicate T1mes 230 — 5y
i'd try to compare the magnitude of the points in the perfect drawing to the points in the players drawing. if the magnitude of the parts are too far, then the drawing is off. royaltoe 5144 — 5y
good idea but it the parts would be too random to check the right parts and their respective magnitudes. Thanks for the response though! :) T1mes 230 — 5y

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