i am only able to find the player in game.players but i cant find the character in game.Workspace by using my tool
the character can be found two ways. The first way is by using :FindFirstChild()
if game.Players.LocalPlayer then local plr=game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer) end
the other way(the one thats better to use) is by using plr.Character
local plr=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
also, you could just get the localplayer when the tool is equipped
local tool=script.Parent local plrcheck=false local plr local debounce=false tool.Equipped:Connect(function() if plrcheck==false and not debounce then debounce=true plr=script.Parent.Parent wait(0.1) plrcheck=true debounce=false end end end)