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How To Prevent Local Changes in my Roblox Studio from Synching Automaticallyto Server?

Asked by 5 years ago

I am working on a Roblox game with two other members of the same group. At times it is hard to work with another user at the same time in the same Roblox place because I am still working on my code so some feature will get broken for the mean time that I am writing the script. But my other groupmate also needs to test the game for what he is working on but the broken feature hinders him from doing so.

With this, I would like to ask if there's a way to work on Roblox studio without automatically synching the changes to the server and just manually synch it by a user? I'm thinking something like a repository/source-control like how you would use Git or Mercurial. Thanks in advance.

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Answered by 5 years ago

only thing you can do is disable the scripts until you need to test, but if yall are working on different things, it shouldn't really break other stuff. if it's a gui, make separate gui instances and that should solve that and just put it it back into one gui later

Ok thanks. There are instances were my teammate works in something that is affected by the scripts that I am editing and disabling it will affect some tests on his side. Guess all we can do is communicate frequently to avoid breaking stuff. ironfiftynine 7 — 5y

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