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Why does my tool teleport me whenever I re-equip it?

Asked by
tvfob 6
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Please include the code which you are trying to use, so the community will be better-equipped to help you with your problem.

I have made a tool that has a model inside of it and I walk around with it equipped but when I unequip it and re-equip it, it teleports me back to the spot where I unequipped it. I am not using any scripts with the tool. It's just a model with a seat in it so I can carry people around. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to fix this? Thank you

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Because you will need to weld the tool's handle etc, the reason you're teleporting is because the part/tool is in the same position and u can't move around with it in your hands because u didn't weld script it so it would do so.

(I recommend either restart making the tools, fix it or just take a free model and change the tool to your own tool and then changing stuff in the scripts.)


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