Hello there! I'm here beacuase I want to know how to script on Roblox and use the Lua for make a lot of games! I only know the basic but I want to learn more to be an expert and make my own scripts because I took all the scripts from Youtube :/ so please help me!
A lot of transitioning from beginner to more advanced involves doing one thing - practicing. Practice doing small things so you understand the concepts more. Read up on / google things you don't understand and practice using those. A lot of people already have had the same questions. If you get stuck, ask us, that's what we're here for. We have a discord as well for quick questions too. Another thing - programming is always learning so don't get frustrated when you don't know how to do something. You're not going to be able to make the next Jailbreak right away and that's okay. With every error, every line of code, you're getting better!!
Rather than just searching up specific scripts on Youtube look for tutorials instead. There are a lot of really good ones that are easy to understand.
Here is some that I watched that I found very helpful: https://pastebin.com/raw/3HzH5KQb
Watch them, practice, ask questions here or look stuff up on the wiki.