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Getting a player name (test mode) - attempt to index field localplayer (a nil value)?

Asked by 4 years ago


I'm making a very simple race against the clock game. The player has to run a very simple course, and they see their time updated every second. There is a part on the finish line which, when they touch, can tell them their finish time.

There is a script in the finish line part which holds a variable called raceactive. This is set to false when you hit the finish part, but before then it updates the elapsed time (in seconds) on a screengui in the startergui.

The difficulty I am having is finding the player name so I can refer to the screengui. If I use the following, then I get a message "attempt to index field 'LocalPlayer' (a nil value)"

local player=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name

However if I hard code my username (see below) then the script does what I would like it to do

local player=game.Players.myname

Grateful for any help people can offer. The whole script is below.

Many Thanks


-- Keep track of time the racer has been running

local timepassed=0  -- timer variable
local finishLine=script.Parent -- finsih line part
local raceactive=true -- testing if race is active
-- local timergui=game.StarterGui.TimerGui.TimerText -- The Gui for the timer
-- print (timergui.Text)
-- wait(2)
-- print (timergui)
-- timergui.text="Changing the text"

-- Function which is run at the end of the race
local function finish()
    if raceactive==true then
        print ("You finished in "..timepassed.." seconds")
        raceactive=false -- sets flag to end the race



-- Function for when the finish line is touched

local function partTouched(otherpart)
    local character=otherpart.Parent
    local humanoid=character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
    if humanoid then finish()


-- When finishline is touched, call the partTouched function

-- The race timer

while raceactive==true do
    timepassed=timepassed+1 -- Increment the timer
    -- local players=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
    local   player=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name
    print (player)
    -- local player=game.Players.redchris999
    local PlayerUI = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
    local ScreenGui = PlayerUI:WaitForChild("ScreenGui");
    local TextLabel = ScreenGui:WaitForChild("TimerText");
    -- print (TextLabel.Text)
    TextLabel.Text=timepassed.." seconds have passed "..player.Name

that's because you have this in the normal script (I assume) where you can't use LocalPlayer, if you want to do so then you need to use LocalScript, tho keep in mind that local scripts only work inside - ReplicatedFirst, PlayerGui, StarterPlayerScripts, StarterCharacterScripts, player/character model and player backpack TopBagon 109 — 4y
Thanks TopBagon. That is really useful : I didn't know that about local scripts. The script I am trying to run us attached to a part in workspace, so I am assuming I can use a local script. In that case what is the best way to identify the player name? Thank you. redchris999 4 — 4y

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