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Is there a way to quit ROBLOX with a GUI button?

Asked by 10 years ago

I haven't seen one yet and if it does exists, its rare to see one.

This does not exactly close the application but this should do (for computer / laptop only) Sk3pticalR0BL0X 33 — 7y
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("You have left the game, Please Press ALT + F4 on your Keyboard.") end) Sk3pticalR0BL0X 33 — 7y
I will work on that button, but unfortunately at the moment, this button only works in studio (or maybe i need 2 turn off experimental mode) anyway, see if you can find anything out Sk3pticalR0BL0X 33 — 7y
Well, yes and no. You can make a Text button and put in a local script that kicks the player out of the game. But unfortunately a box will pop up saying the game disconnected. So you can make a quit button, but it won't be very clean. GamesVSBrad 7 — 4y

3 answers

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Answered by
TofuBytes 500 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

No, it's not possible. You can only do things inside of ROBLOX, closing their application is impossible. You could kick the player from the game, that is a way to remove them from the game, but not closing the application.

In Roblox platform convention TofuBytes is true. But as long roblox player i know there is AN NOT CONVENTIONAL way to make this button. ErtyPL 129 — 6y
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Answered by
ErtyPL 129
6 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

In Roblox platform convention TofuBytes is true. But as long-time roblox player I know there is AN NOT CONVENTIONAL way to make this button. OK. What it mean? You can make roblox player broke by several ways using calculations. Making a lua loop that 'endlessly' will loop and calculate something is generally way to crash it. But still that make only show a information that roblox player doesn't respond(it cannot finalize its scripts). (I think there is also other way but only roblox corp. devs know it)

That all i can help as low level lua developer and high level roblox player :D


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Answered by 10 years ago

No, there isnt a button to remove a Players Account

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