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How to get "backpack" inventory to save across universe?

Asked by 5 years ago

So, I been digging around the internet to figure out how to use datastore to save inventory across the universe

example: user gets the item from server 1, then teleport's to another server "same universe" the user keeps his inventory from server 1 and can use it on server 2, vice versa.

Does anyone know to save inventory across a universe, that a user can keep across servers?

Thanks, everyone!

Do you mean the players default backpack or a custom inventory? 0b1w 13 — 5y
player defaults backpack, sorry about that confusion Dis_chat 0 — 5y

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

You can use DataStore to save values off of different weapons. What I mean:
If the player got a sword, that value would be 1
if the player got a gun, that value would be 2
if the player got a duck, that value would be 3.and so on and so on. Just create values for weapons, then save them to a datastore.


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