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Help With Webhook and Texts?

Asked by 5 years ago

So I have a webhook script and everything is working perfectly. The only problem is, when I try making a value equal a text, it prints the text's value before it is changed. I tried using a FocusLost function and a GetPropertyChangedSignal and it I get the HTTP 400 Bad Request error. How could I make it detect when the text is changed?

local data = HttpService:JSONEncode({
        ['username'] = 'Training Initiated',
            ['embeds'] = {{
                title = "**" .. player.Name .. " has initiated a training!**",
                description = "[A training is taking place on Novira Resurge Recruitment Center](",
                color = 16711680,
                thumbnail = {
                    url = ""
                fields = {
                        name = 'Host:',
                        value = player.Name,
                        inline = true
                        name = 'Co-Host',
                        value = player.PlayerGui.CreateTrainingGui.CoHost:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"),
                        inline = true
                        name = 'Type of Event:',
                        value = "N/A",
                        inline = true
                        name = 'Rank(s):',
                        value = "N/A",
                        inline = true
                footer = {
                    text = "{volgrok100 Training System}"
        ["content"] = "@everyone " .. "**" .. player.Name .. "**" .. " is hosting a training!"

    HttpService:PostAsync(URL, data)

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