if GrassyFieldVotes > CityVotes then m.Value = "Inserting 'Grassy Field' by Coolviper630..." wait(3) gf = maps.GrassyField:Clone() gf.Parent = game.Workspace m.Value = "" end
I'm making a GUI Map Voting System, and it's not working out, I need help! GrassyFieldVotes is variable which is equal to GrassyFieldVotes = game.Lighting.MapValues.GrassyField[Name of the IntValue] and CityVotes = game.Lighting.MapValues.City[Name of the IntValue], so if the grassy field value number is greater then the city value show the message that map will insert wait 3 seconds clones it and make the m.Value = to nothing but dis won't work someone help plz ty ive been trying to figure this out for 2 days!
If GrassyFieldVotes
and CityVotes
refer to the IntValues themselves, you have to use GrassyFieldVotes.Value
and CityVotes.Value
to compare their Values.
for this your saying that in order for this script to work every time the GrassyFieldVotes always has to be more. Unless you have another script being vise versea.