So i have this UI problem that the frame that i'm trying to move to the button keeps on going up check the screen shots so you can see what's happenin
How it suppose to look like VS How it looks like
local poses = { ["Team_Change"] = "0.114, -50,2.414, -50", ["Store"] = "0.253, -50,2.414, -50", ["Playerlist"] = "0.376, -50,2.414, -50" } for _,buttons in pairs(script.Parent.Main_Frame.menus:GetChildren()) do if buttons:IsA("TextButton") then buttons.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() script.Parent.Main_Frame.menus[buttons.Name].TextColor3 =, 201, 0) tweenlinetobtn(buttons.Name) end) end end function tweenlinetobtn(btn) for s,poses in pairs(poses) do if s == btn then script.Parent.Main_Frame.menus.line.Position = print(btn) print(s) print(poses) end end end
> (EDIT) There's no error nor output.
Probably an offset issue
Download this plugin select all of the frames buttons etc and click offset > scale
Here's the link to the plugin
Hope this helped you!