Line 16: Unable to cast to Dictionary? (fixed)
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5 years ago Edited 5 years ago
On line 16 I get the error "Unable to cast to Dictionary". I searched everywhere and found nothing. Please help.
01 | tween = game:GetService( "TweenService" ) |
02 | info 1 = script.Parent.Door 1 END.Position |
03 | info 1 end = script.Parent.Door 1. Position |
04 | info 2 = script.Parent.Door 2 END.Position |
05 | info 2 end = script.Parent.Door 2. Position |
08 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect( function (plr) |
09 | plr.CharacterAdded:Connect( function (char) |
12 | if (char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - script.Parent.Rad.Position).Magnitude < = 7 then |
15 | script.Parent.Rad [ "Elevator Door Open" ] :Play() |
16 | local tw = tween:Create(script.Parent.Door 1. Position, 1 , info 1 ) |
17 | local tw 2 = tween:Create(script.Parent.Door 2. Position, 1 , info 2 ) |
18 | script.Parent.Rad [ "Elevator Door Open" ] :Stop() |
22 | if (char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - script.Parent.Rad.Position).Magnitude > 7 then |
23 | if canopen = = false then |
24 | script.Parent.Rad [ "Elevator Close" ] :Play() |
25 | local tw = tween:Create(script.Parent.Door 1. Position, 1 , info 1 end) |
26 | local tw 2 = tween:Create(script.Parent.Door 2. Position, 1 , info 2 end) |
27 | script.Parent.Rad [ "Elevator Close" ] :Stop() |